As random as it may sound but yes, there IS an ideal room temperature for workout. As you would know, there are multiple factors that work in tandem to make a workout session successful. Room temperature being one of them. In outdoor workouts, temperature cannot be controlled and since it is natural with more air and usually sunlight, it does the body good.

As random as it may sound but yes, there IS an ideal room temperature for workout. As you would know, there are multiple factors that work in tandem to make a workout session successful. Room temperature being one of them. In outdoor workouts, temperature cannot be controlled and since it is natural with more air and usually sunlight, it does the body good.

Why is there an ideal temperature?

The environment affects our health greatly and it is only obvious that it will affect our workouts as well. Too cold or too hot rooms will have a negative impact on the entire workout.

The right temperature ensures that the humidity level is maintained and your body is given the right amount of oxygen needed to workout. The oxygen levels drop in extreme environments. Cold air is dry and can cause coughing, wheezing or breathlessness. Similarly, rising heat and humidity too can make it more difficult to catch your breath. This can increase the risk of possible dehydration and heat stroke.

Such extremes pause the oxygen flow to the brain and muscles, causing cramps and possible headaches. This stresses out the body unnecessarily and hampers the workouts by getting you tired and making you quit earlier than usual.

Iliopsoas Diagram

What is the ideal temperature?

The two most important things to consider while regulating the room temperature are – HUMIDITY and HEAT.

As random as it may sound but yes, there IS an ideal room temperature for workout. As you The temperature and humidity in gyms can vary greatly from one establishment to another.

For normal, healthy adults, the ideal temperature is the one that can help keep the muscles warm.

According to "Iron Man," a sports magazine in the body building circuit, warming up properly and keeping muscles warm during a workout is important. A training pace that keeps muscles at a continued state of warmth while not resting excessively between sets and exercises is recommended. "Iron Man" suggests that a room be maintained at approximately 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration gives a general recommendation for workplace temperature ranges to fall between 68-74 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity levels to range between 20-60%.

Since these are pretty broad ranges, the International Fitness Association (IFA) developed more direction from the ranges recommended from both OSHA and the American College of Sports Medicine. IFA recommends that the gyms that provide aerobics, weight training, cardio, and Pilates should have an average temperature of 65-68 degrees Fahrenheit (18-20 degrees Celsius). The gym should also have a humidity level between 40% and 60% for these activities.

It also suggests that areas near pools be kept between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Yoga classes can be closer to 80 degrees and humidity levels for all areas should be around 40 to 60 percent.

Should the ideal temperature make me break a sweat?

Not necessarily.

Remember this: Everyone doesn't sweat the same amount or under the same circumstances. Some people sweat just sitting at their desks and others don't bead up until they're midway through a high-impact aerobics class. So don't assume that sweating is necessarily an accurate measure of a good workout or an indicator that calorie burning is in high gear. If it's hot and humid outside, you could break a sweat just walking out the door.

You don't have to sweat to get a good workout, and exercising in higher temperatures and humidity can be dangerous.

But if you're exercising indoors at around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, there's nothing wrong with aiming for a good sweat by getting your heart rate up.

Now that you know the ideal temperature, don’t be shy to ask the gym or your trainer to modify it for you so that you can get the best out of your workout session every time!

If you have any questions regarding the same, drop a comment below and let’s discuss this further.