Easy Tips For Choosing The Right Sleep Position

One of the best things you can do for your health is to get your body in the proper sleep. While sleeping, your body works effectively to restore and repair itself.

Correct sleeping posture is essential for your health as it supports the natural curve of your spine. We often spend a third of our lives asleep or resting, so it is vital to select the proper sleep posture so that it helps your body with physical recovery.

A proper sleep position releases stress on your spine. On the other hand, an unhealthy sleeping position can increase pain or stiffness in the arms, back, and shoulders, contributing to low-quality sleep.

Iliopsoas Diagram

However, you can modify your sleeping positions to get the most out of them.

Fetal position

The fetal position mainly involves sleeping on your side with bent legs bent towards the body. Among various prevalent sleeping positions, the fetal position is one of them. It is an ideal sleeping position to reduce lower back pain and snoring.

If you want to make the fetal position comfortable, try sleeping with a pillow between your knees.

Back and neck pain

Back-sleeping can be the best option if you have muscular or skeletal discomfort and not breathing problems. However, sleeping face up might worsen the pain for people with neck pain.

However, when it comes to sleeping position for back pain, you can refer back sleep as it effectively eliminates low-back pain. While if you have soreness in your spine, try experimenting with different positions and pillows that work best for you.

Iliopsoas Diagram

Sleeping position for pregnancy

Pregnant women must sleep on their side with their knees bent. The side sleeping position during pregnancy's first three months is beneficial and decreases the pressure of a growing belly.

This further also enables your heart to pump and blood to flow in the entire body properly. However, the left side is also recommended by the experts because it prevents pressure on the liver and promotes blood flow to the kidneys, fetus, uterus, and heart.

Therefore, the correct position to sleep for you is whichever sleep position that allows you to take better rest and wake up fresh in the morning.