How to Calculate your protein needs?

The human body needs nutrients to ensure stable and healthy working. Most of these nutrients are often processed in your body through different functions or delivered from the food you eat. The food you eat gives you proteins, vitamins, minerals, and numerous other constituents to help stabilize the workings of the body. Out of all these nutrients, proteins have always been one of the hottest topics of all. Protein is one of the most essential nutrients as it has a wide range of uses and advantages for the body.

But, often the question of what is the right amount of daily protein intake confuses a wide range of populations. The underlying guide will discuss the eccentricities of protein intake and its daily needs. So, without further ado, let’s get started with understanding what protein is and its benefits.

Protein: What is it?

Protein is an essential macronutrient that comprises chained amino acids which have several applications in muscle building, blood flow, energy supply, and a lot more. Proteins are necessary for overall health development, and building muscle mass. The muscle mass grown through proteins helps ensure that the body is getting all the energy to carry out different body functions.

Proteins are massive molecules that are made of either one or more chains of amino acids. The human body needs more than twenty amino acids and most of these are not produced by the body. And thus, are obtained through the food you eat. Each protein has a unique amino acid sequence and complex three-dimensional protein structure which performs different roles. These proteins make up about 45% of dry human body weight and can be seen in different body parts.

Importance and benefits of Proteins

Protein is more important in muscle building, muscle tissue repair, and promoting lean muscle mass. It is present in every single cell of the body right from your DNA to red blood cells and even bones. Each of these continuously breaks down the proteins to generate energy and again absorbs them from the food you eat. Not consuming enough protein may lead to a loss of muscle mass and make you weak

Having a high protein diet helps in curbing your appetite and reduces cravings. It prevents your mulching habit and stops you from eating more calorific food. Besides, high protein intake helps you attain a stipulated body composition and gives you healthy lean muscle mass. These are the reasons that have made protein supplements and protein intake a crucial aspect among bodybuilders and people looking for healthy weight loss.

Average Daily Intake Of Protein

The average recommended amount of protein varies from person to person. It basically depends on body composition, type of work schedule, age, height, weight, and many more factors. An average adult consumes 0.8 grams of proteins per 1 kilogram of their respective body weight.It is considered the most adequate amount of protein for a sedentary lifestyle. A sedentary lifestyle means those who don’t do little or no exercise. And, mostly belong to the category of desk job workers.

For instance, an average man of 80 kilograms of weight will need 64 grams of protein per day.However, the needs will change depending on your lifestyle. For instance, the needs of an athlete and a pregnant lady will not be the same. And neither of the ones suffering from illness or weight loss regime.

How to understand your protein needs?

The protein needs of an individual depend on various factors. These factors include person sex, age, activity levels, muscle mass, pregnancy, or nursing, and overall health. The minimum amount of protein intake per day is 0.8 grams and can be raised to 3.5-4 grams per day depending on the body’s needs.Besides, when calculated through calories, an average adult should take 10% to 35% of protein of their daily calorie intake

For children

Infants and children in their growing periods need more protein in proportion to their body weight. It contributes to strengthening their bones and promotes healthy growth. The average protein intake of a baby of age 0 to 1 year is 9 to 11 grams. While for that of children of age 1 to 3 years is 13 grams, and for children of age, 4 to 8 years is 19 grams. For young teens of age 9 to 13, the average daily protein intake is 34 grams.

Adults and teens go through more mental activities and thus need protein to ensure healthy and faster functioning of the brain. Besides, protein helps in aiding the required energy to do all the physical activities throughout the day.Regarding males, the protein needs to take a huge spike. For older males, i.e. of age 14 and above the average protein intake ranges from 50 to 60 grams per day. While for females it is around 40 to 50 grams per day.

Pregnant or Lactating Mothers

Pregnant or Lactating Mothers contribute to the health of their child and thus need more protein to fulfill the needs of their child and their own physical needs; hence their daily intake of protein can be as high as 70-72 grams per day.

For Athletes

It is yet another group that requires more than average protein intake. Athletes can eat up to 3.5 to 4 grams of protein per kilogram daily. It is according to their physical activities and the amount of exertion they do while working out. A few studies state that 1 gram of protein per kilogram is sufficient for minimal physical activities.

Injured or ill people

An ill person or recovering from an injury might need more protein intake. Protein helps recover from wounds faster and helps the body gain significant energy to recover from weakness.


A significant and adequate amount of protein intake is very crucial for physical development. It helps sustain body functions and helps retain a healthy physique. Although, more of anything can be dangerous. To ensure you get an adequate amount of protein daily, you must look after all the factors before increasing your protein intake. You can calculate your daily protein intake with the help of your body weight and age and ensure you lead a healthy life. The calculation is quite straightforward and all you need to do is multiply the protein intake per kilogram with your weight.