Category: food


As we are exploring the most famous diets, I have spoken about 4 diets in the Part 1 of this article.Now, let’s move on to the other diets and understand what is what and should we even be going ahead blindly with any diet that any one recommends. Know this – only because everyone does […]

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Keep that Cholestrol Under Control

You must be well aware of this infamous word – CHOLESTEROL. You must also know someone who suffers from high cholesterol levels or someone who is struggling to keep the cholesterol level low.  First things first, NOT ALL CHOLESTEROL IS BAD. Surprised?  Today, let’s break down this demonized word and understand what exactly it is, […]

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Eating Right: What Are The Best Post Workout Snacks & Meal

While you’re working out, you are making muscles work really hard. You are stretching them to make sure you are reaching your fitness goals. Whether you’re up for strength and endurance training or cardio exercises,your body does use up all its energy during a workout. So, it’s important to nourish it with the right nutrition […]

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Eating Right: Pre-Workout Meals

If you’ve been sweating it out in the gym for months but still can’t see the desired results, poor eating habits could be the culprit. Good nutrition is necessary to give your body the required fuel it needs to last through a rigorous exercise session. So, what exactly should you be eating before a workout? […]

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