Category: Gym


Metabolism, Weight and You

Metabolism A very well-known and basic, yet important function of our body is METABOLISM. With the word being thrown around so much, there’s good chance you might have taken this important aspect of healthy living, for granted. Today, let’s explore Metabolism and how it effects our health.

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Eating Right: Pre-Workout Meals

If you’ve been sweating it out in the gym for months but still can’t see the desired results, poor eating habits could be the culprit. Good nutrition is necessary to give your body the required fuel it needs to last through a rigorous exercise session. So, what exactly should you be eating before a workout? […]

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Tuning In To The Power Of Music

Keeping yourself on track to stay focused on your fitness goals can be hard. There are a lot of things to do, too many distractions around and too little time to finish it all. Sounds familiar? Let’s face it, we’ve all been there.  But all you need is get yourself up and running requires determination and self discipline. Motivational […]

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Five Tips to Stay Motivated in Your Fitness Journey

As I have emphasised in my earlier posts, fitness is not a goal but a journey, which one must undertake with focus and discipline. The fifth month of the new year is over and at times the determination that we started with also reduces and so does the frequency to go to the fitness centre. […]

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Aqua Workouts: Best Way To Sit Fit And Cool In Summer

Tired of sweating it out in the gym in this sweltering heat? Well, I understand. Summer has been harsh, but you can’t use that as an excuse to slow down on your fitness routine. Just tweak it a little. Opt for Aqua Zumba, Aqua Aerobics, Aqua Pilates, Aqua Yoga and other such water workouts to […]

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Why water is important to life?

In the past few days, I’ve heard a few common complaints around me: feeling dizzy, getting tired easily and a general feeling of sluggishness throughout the day. On probing people further about their diet and lifestyle, it turned out that all of them had one thing in common — they didn’t drink enough water! As […]

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How to loose Weight?

Journey from a trainee to a trainer In the earlier article, two key lessons from Shivani : Setting your goals – What is your mission? “If you don’t know where you are going, you will never know how to get there!” Setting your goals and knowing your motivation helps you in achieving your goals sooner. How can […]

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It’s not a race, it’s a journey

Shivani Patel, is a founder of Sculptasse Studio, and has been a personal fitness instructor for 5 years now. She trains around 600 fitness enthusiasts every month.

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