Category: Zumba

Eating Right: How To Eliminate Emotional Eating

A lot of us turn to food for comfort when we’ve hit a rough patch emotionally or are feeling particularly low. These food cravings, which are triggered by your emotions, often lead us to load up on calories sweets and fatty foods. Emotional eating makes you eat mindlessly and makes you feel as if you […]

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Tuning In To The Power Of Music

Keeping yourself on track to stay focused on your fitness goals can be hard. There are a lot of things to do, too many distractions around and too little time to finish it all. Sounds familiar? Let’s face it, we’ve all been there.  But all you need is get yourself up and running requires determination and self discipline. Motivational […]

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Why water is important to life?

In the past few days, I’ve heard a few common complaints around me: feeling dizzy, getting tired easily and a general feeling of sluggishness throughout the day. On probing people further about their diet and lifestyle, it turned out that all of them had one thing in common — they didn’t drink enough water! As […]

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Proteins: Busting Myths & Ticking Facts

I’ve always stressed on the fact that keeping a close watch on your diet is equally important as making sure you are doing your crunches and lifting those weights. Getting enough of protein is especially important because it gives you the required energy that you need to function in your everyday lives.

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Things to Keep In Mind When Choosing A Personal Trainer

So you’ve gotten rid of all those lazy cells inside you and decided to shake it all off and go ahead with a fitter routine. The first step is the hardest, but the journey is far from over. If you’re new into the world of fitness, I’d recommend you seek the help of a trained […]

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It’s not a race, it’s a journey

Shivani Patel, is a founder of Sculptasse Studio, and has been a personal fitness instructor for 5 years now. She trains around 600 fitness enthusiasts every month.

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