Tag: health


Metabolism, Weight and You

Metabolism A very well-known and basic, yet important function of our body is METABOLISM. With the word being thrown around so much, there’s good chance you might have taken this important aspect of healthy living, for granted. Today, let’s explore Metabolism and how it effects our health.

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sunshine from the sky

Sunbathing and its benefits for the body

In simple terms, this is Sunbathing. This means getting outdoors and getting your dose of Vitamin D. With most of us living in concrete jungles, we rarely get our share of the sun or rather, a chance to stay in the sun. We don’t realize when missing out on sun causes multiple deficiencies in our […]

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Destination Workout

A new trend in the fitness industry is Destination Workouts. What are they you ask? It’s about a fitness and travel enthusiast traveling to various locations all across and working out in a natural environment. It gives a raw feel when you work out amidst nature and with no gym equipment support. The workout focuses […]

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For a fit & healthy lifestyle, there are two most crucial elements – fitness and nutrition. While you work out to maintain your fitness level, all fails if your nutrition isn’t proper and more importantly, right. Without the right nutrition/diet, all the intense workout that you may have done either reaps results really slowly or […]

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Dieting-A Good Diet

Diet – a phenomena so famous that everyone knows this much-loved trend. As discussed in my article, DIETING – An introduction to mindful eating and Bad Weight Loss Diets to Avoid, diet is what makes or breaks your health. No matter what your goal is, being mindful about dieting will accelerate your journey towards your […]

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